
Services . . . . . . .
Here you can find more information about
the treatment options and therapy concepts we offer.
Our main focus is tooth preservation
for which we offer intensive prophylactic services
to children as well as adults.
Aestethical crown and bridge services, under exclusive use of precious metal alloys
- Aestethic restorative services
- ceramic inlays
- ceramic crowns and bridges
- tooth colored composite fillings
- Prophylactic services for children up to 18 and adults
- Endodontics (Root Canals)
- Parodontics (gum treatments)
- Full and partial dentures
- Implant services
- X-ray diagnostics
- Guard therapy
- Recall (Appointment reminder service, specifically for children and parodontic patients)
- Intraoral camera
- Cooperation with dental surgeons, DDOs and implant specialists
- Rubber dam